Monday, December 31, 2007

.Net Interview Questions Faq's

What is a IL?
Twist :- What is MSIL or CIL , What is JIT?
What is a CLR?
What is a CTS?
What is a CLS(Common Language Specification)?
What is a Managed Code?
What is a Assembly ?
What are different types of Assembly?
What is NameSpace?
What is Difference between NameSpace and Assembly?
If you want to view a Assembly how to you go about it ?
Twist : What is ILDASM ?
What is Manifest?
Where is version information stored of a assembly ?
Is versioning applicable to private assemblies?
What is GAC ?
Twist :- What are situations when you register .NET assembly in GAC ?
What is concept of strong names ?
Twist :- How do we generate strong names or what is the process of

generating strong names , What is use of SN.EXE , How do we apply

names to assembly ? , How do you sign an assembly ?
How to add and remove a assembly from GAC?
What is Delay signing ?
What is garbage collection?
Can we force garbage collector to run ?
What is reflection?
What are different type of JIT ?
What are Value types and Reference types ?
What is concept of Boxing and Unboxing ?
What's difference between VB.NET and C# ?
What's difference between System exceptions and Application
What is CODE Access security?
What is a satellite assembly?
How to prevent my .NET DLL to be decompiled?
What's the difference between Convert.toString and .toString()
method ?
What is Native Image Generator (Ngen.exe)?
We have two version of the same assembly in GAC? I want my client to

choice of
which assembly to choose?
What is CodeDom?

.NET Interoperability

How can we use COM Components in .NET?
Twist : What is RCW ?
Once i have developed the COM wrapper do i have to still register the

in registry?
How can we use .NET components in COM?
Twist :- What is CCW (COM callable wrapper) ?, What caution needs to

taken in order that .NET components is compatible with COM ?
How can we make Windows API calls in .NET?
When we use windows API in .NET is it managed or unmanaged code ?
What is COM ?
What is Reference counting in COM ?
Can you describe IUKNOWN interface in short ?
Can you explain what is DCOM ?
How do we create DCOM object in VB6?
How to implement DTC in .NET ?
How many types of Transactions are there in COM + .NET ?
How do you do object pooling in .NET ?
What are types of compatibility in VB6?
What is equivalent for regsvr32 exe in .NET ?


What is Multi-tasking ?
What is Multi-threading ?
What is a Thread ?
Did VB6 support multi-threading ?
Can we have multiple threads in one App domain ?
Which namespace has threading ?
Can you explain in brief how can we implement threading ?
How can we change priority and what the levels of priority are
provided by

.NET ?
What does Addressof operator do in background ?
How can you reference current thread of the method ?
What's Thread.Sleep() in threading ?
How can we make a thread sleep for infinite period ?
What is Suspend and Resume in Threading ?
What the way to stop a long running thread ?
How do i debug thread ?
What's Thread.Join() in threading ?
What are Daemon thread's and how can a thread be created as Daemon?
When working with shared data in threading how do you implement

synchronization ?
Can we use events with threading ?
How can we know a state of a thread?
What is a monitor object?
What are wait handles ?
Twist :- What is a mutex object ?
what is ManualResetEvent and AutoResetEvent ?
What is ReaderWriter Locks ?
How can you avoid deadlock in threading ?
What's difference between thread and process?

Remoting and Webservices

What is a application domain?
What is .NET Remoting ?
Which class does the remote object has to inherit ?
What are two different types of remote object creation mode in .NET ?
Describe in detail Basic of SAO architecture of Remoting?
What are the situations you will use singleton architecture in
remoting ?
What is fundamental of published or precreated objects in Remoting ?
What are the ways client can create object on server in CAO model ?
Are CAO stateful in nature ?
In CAO model when we want client objects to be created by "NEW"
keyword is

any precautions to be taken ?
Is it a good design practice to distribute the implementation to

Client ?
What is LeaseTime,SponsorshipTime ,RenewonCallTime and

Which config file has all the supported channels/protocol ?
How can you specify remoting parameters using Config files ?
Can Non-Default constructors be used with Single Call SAO?
Twist :- What are the limitation of constructors for Single call SAO ?
How can we call methods in remoting Asynchronously ?
What is Asynchronous One-Way Calls ?
What is marshalling and what are different kinds of marshalling ?
What is ObjRef object in remoting ?
What is a WebService ?
What is UDDI ?
What is DISCO ?
What is WSDL?
What the different phase/steps of acquiring a proxy object in
Webservice ?
What is file extension of Webservices ?
Which attribute is used in order that the method can be used as

What are the steps to create a webservice and consume it ?
Do webservice have state ?

Caching Concepts

What is application object ?
What's the difference between Cache object and application object ?
How can get access to cache object ?
What are dependencies in cache and types of dependencies ?
Can you show a simple code showing file dependency in cache ?
What is Cache Callback in Cache ?
What is scavenging ?
What are different types of caching using cache object of ASP.NET?
How can you cache different version of same page using ASP.NET cache

object ?
How will implement Page Fragment Caching ?
What are ASP.NET session and compare ASP.NET session with classic ASP

session variables?
Which various modes of storing ASP.NET session ?
Is Session_End event supported in all session modes ?
What are the precautions you will take in order that StateServer Mode

properly ?
What are the precautions you will take in order that SQLSERVER Mode

properly ?
Where do you specify session state mode in ASP.NET ?
What are the other ways you can maintain state ?
What are benefits and Limitation of using Hidden fields ?
What is ViewState ?
Do performance vary for viewstate according to User controls ?
What are benefits and Limitation of using Viewstate for state
How an you use Hidden frames to cache client data ?
What are benefits and Limitation of using Hidden frames?
What are benefits and Limitation of using Cookies?
What is Query String and What are benefits and Limitation of using



What is Object Oriented Programming ?
What's a Class ?
What's a Object ?
What's the relation between Classes and Objects ?
What are different properties provided by Object-oriented systems ?
Twist :- Can you explain different properties of Object Oriented
Twist :- What's difference between Association , Aggregation and

Inheritance relationships?
How can we acheive inheritance in VB.NET ?
What are abstract classes ?
What's a Interface ?
What is difference between abstract classes and interfaces?
What is a delegate ?
What are event's ?
Do events have return type ?
Can event's have access modifiers ?
Can we have shared events ?
What is shadowing ?
What's difference between Shadowing and Overriding ?
What's difference between delegate and events?
If we inherit a class do the private variables also get inherited ?
What are different accessibility levels defined in .NET ?
Can you prevent a class from overriding ?
What's the use of "MustInherit" keyword in VB.NET ?
Why can not you specify accessibility modifier in Interface ?
What are similarities between Class and structure ?
What's the difference between Class and structure's ?
What does virtual keyword mean ?
What are shared (VB.NET)/Static(C#) variables?
What is Dispose method in .NET ?
Whats the use of "OverRides" and "Overridable" keywords ?
Where are all .NET Collection classes located ?
What is ArrayList ?
What's a HashTable ?
Twist :- What's difference between HashTable and ArrayList ?
What are queues and stacks ?
What is ENUM ?
What is nested Classes ?
What's Operator Overloading in .NET?
In below sample code if we create a object of class2 which

will fire first ?
What's the significance of Finalize method in .NET?
Why is it preferred to not use finalize for clean up?
How can we suppress a finalize method?
What's the use of DISPOSE method?
How do I force the Dispose method to be called automatically, as

can forget to call Dispose method?
In what instances you will declare a constructor to be private?
Can we have different access modifiers on get/set methods of a
property ?
If we write a goto or a return statement in try and catch block will

finally block execute ?
What is Indexer ?
Can we have static indexer in C# ?
In a program there are multiple catch blocks so can it happen that

catch blocks are executed ?
What is the difference between System.String and System.StringBuilder



What's the sequence in which ASP.NET events are processed ?
In which event are the controls fully loaded ?
How can we identify that the Page is PostBack ?
How does ASP.NET maintain state in between subsequent request ?
What is event bubbling ?
How do we assign page specific attributes ?
Administrator wants to make a security check that no one has tampered

ViewState , how can he ensure this ?
What's the use of @ Register directives ?
What's the use of SmartNavigation property ?
What is AppSetting Section in "Web.Config" file ?
Where is ViewState information stored ?
What's the use of @ OutputCache directive in ASP.NET?

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